Timothy Campbell

August 29th (♍), 1964
(34 years old in 1998)
Northern England
Height6' 1" (187 cm)
olive green
Brownish copper-Auburn
Pale peach
Bisexual (closeted)
English from his father's side,Scottish from his mother side. Both religious and devoted to christianism.
HobbiesFishing,staying up late,birdwatching
Favorite Food:
Roasted beef
Phineas T. Ratchet (Latin american dub)
First-born of the Campbell family. Criminal lawyer.
He has a relatively successful career and inherited some of his father's good reputation.
Lives in a city somewhere in the middle of England, where he has his own law firm (formerly from his father's,his father's father...and his father's father's father...) At his worst he's quite neurotic and lacks patience...But apart from that,he's very professional.
He was born prematurely. At birth he had a cleft lip and a port wine stain over his right eye.
His younger brother, Thomas Campbell, was born when he was four years old, in December 1968.
He became somewhat detached from his parents during this time and couldn't help but feel ignored and somewhat jealous that his new brother was getting all the attention. He would often get into trouble just to get attention.
After turning 6 he was sent to primary school, he performed mediocrely, not the best grades but not the worst either, he was pretty average.
He witnessed from the beginning when his parents' arguments started. He was defensive all the time and in flight or fight mode, always expecting the worst.
When he was 14 years old, he received a severe blunt trauma from his father that left him in a coma for a few weeks due to a severe skull fracture.
What happened after that was quite confusing for him, those days are distorted and merged in his memory and it feels like a strange dream, he only remembers constantly being told that he was about to die, the afternoons playing cards with Tommy and some sporadic moments when his mother was accompanying him for what seemed like eternal evenings.
After a while, as he became more stable, he was able to return home. With some difficulty getting used to his life again, now having to take medication for his epilepsy and being constantly monitored to make sure nothing bad happened to him. On top of that, he felt relieved after his father moved out, despite this, his parents never officially divorced.
Timothy had to grow up much faster after that, taking on responsibilities that were not his. He eventually moved away from home to attend law school, oddly following his father's legacy.
Elizabeth, his mother, felt betrayed by this.
Eventually, Timothy completed his studies and quickly landed a position to begin practicing law. One of his first cases was that of his brother Thomas. It was difficult but he managed to get his sentence reduced, just a couple of years in the psychiatric hospital. Timothy's pace of life was very fast, so while Thomas was there he never wrote many letters or visited him. It happens.
When Thomas served his sentence, he picked him up and took him home. But later that night received the news that Thomas was nowhere to be seen... But Timothy didn't have time to worry about it.
He keep working on a lot of complicated cases the next years and only recently had time to have a life beyond what was involved in his work, after having a small health incident due to so much accumulated stress.
Facial features: Cleft lip and a port wine stain on his right eye. Also has a scar on the right temple,he tries to cover it with his hair whenever he can. It can't be easily noticed but has a titanium plate at the side of his skull.
Hair: Has always liked to keep his hair a biiit long. But it got recently cut (very short).
Has a lot of grey hairs already.
Body: Doesn't do a lot of physical activity so he's a bit overweight.
Fashion: Doesn't have a extense sense of fashion. Uses plain and short sleeved buttoned shirts and big denim shorts,has always liked to wear washed denim jackets. Dad fashion. Other times just uses his plain attorney suits.
Accessories: Always wears a silver and kind of luxury watch on his left hand. Engagement ring on the left hand too.
Thomas: Their sibling relationship was always complicated, but there was no denying that there were more good times than bad ones. They enjoyed going fishing together at a pond nearby to ma's house. He always defended Thomas against his classmates who picked on him for his strange behaviour. He hasn't heard from Thomas for a while now, and as the older brother he can't help but feel responsible and somewhat guilty. But what can he do now, right?