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Rafael Santacruz

May 20th (♉︎),1979
(19 years old in 1998)

Church custodian


6"0'(182 cm)





Northwest mexico,specifically the State of sonora


Ridding his motorbike.
Writting stupid stuff on his sideblog.

Favorite Food:
Burger,burritos,bistec ranchero

Carter Horton (Final destination) latin american dub


Rafael Santacruz, better known as "Sachiel" is a Mexican student-... well, not exactly a student, he was expelled from university and is trying to keep it as a secret because he doesn't want to upset or make his Pa worry about him. Sachiel is a grown up after all!

He's living in the UK but as a result of a series of curious and unfortunate events he's more like an...ilegal resident.
He is working in the local church at the moment, just as a custodian.
He's cool, easy-going and slick, sometimes cynical and sarcastic, but he's a nice guy with a surprising amount of patience.


Sachiel had a somewhat complicated but at least happy childhood. Was the only offspring of a single father.
When Sachiel was 16 y/o something surprinsing happened. His father won a lawsuit! and inherited a kind of nice house...on UK. It was far better than any other place so they moved there! His father wanted to make up a new,clean life where nobody would know him anyways...Sachiel had a student visa for now.
Things turned out to be pretty funny later,with him being expelled at 18 y/o from school.
Sachiel is now trapped on the local church,working as the janitor...I mean...the custodian! He does a variety of jobs there...From electric repairs,to plastering and cleaning,and maintaing the website of the page for some reason????
The owner of the church said he's gonna help him...And well,Sachiel doesn't has anyone else apart from his father so...
Sachiel is trying to keep this as a secret tho. When Sachiel talks to his father,tells he just got a nice job and he's renting a small dorm. Robert still worries about him but Sachiel insist a lot of being independent so...


Facial features: When he smiles, his smile tends to lean more to the right side, the same with all his expressions.

Hair: Medium to short length,slicked back but with one bang left on his forehead

Body:Rectangle shaped,kind of beefy and quite used to physical work

Fashion: Wears a worn out jacket with some patches,a plain white t-shirt and a pair of heavy jump boots

Accessories: Has two helix piercings,one on the lobe and another one on the eyebrow,they're symetrical. Wears black rings and studded bracelets and also a pair wallet chains. Paints his nails black.


Robert: His father. They get along pretty well y'know. Okay,maybe Robert is not completely right on his head,and what! who cares! he tries to be a good father! Sachiel gets upset when someone says something mean about Robert.
One time he ran Robert over with his motorbike (it wasn't intended) ((no hard sequels afterall))

Paul: Sachiel knows that Paul is taking advantage of him and a lot of other people, but there's something that...keeps him from acting against him every time he sees him, something that makes him do whatever he tells him to do...And he hates it too much. He doesn't know what's wrong with him.

Alexander: Sachiel met Alex at church weeks after he first started working. Alex is quite gentle and nice but is very curious about his story. The bread he bakes is insanely good.

Anton: The priest at the church,he sees him very often...Isn't he too young to be a priest? How old is he? Anyways,he once had to clear his puke at the church with holy water,definitely not a pleasant experience.
