
Died age 35
What even corpses do?
Height5' 6" (169 cm)
Grayish,yellowish sclera. The right pupil has lighter color and is smaller
green,gray and a mix of blue in some areas
Probably from some place of north america.
HobbiesComplaining,eating things he shouldn't,smoking
Favorite Food:
None and all
Tired voice,very energetic when he’s angry.Sometimes you can hear a bit of a mexican accent.
Ephraim Winslow (Latin American dub)
Mickael is a bad-tempered, neurotic undead with a great desire to cease his existence. He does not remember much of his living days, it is like a big dark limbo from which he cannot get anything concrete. Only a few weeks have passed since his death.
Afflicted by some kind of curse, his body is maintained in his state by absorbing energy from small animals, insects and plants, in return leaving a feeling of exhaustion, decay and bad vibes around him.
He feels a deep emptiness inside him that he can momentarily relieve by eating things that are not exactly edible, like chalk sticks, buttons, trinkets, coins and such. From time to time an inexplicable and almost uncontrollable desire to sink his teeth into some other living thing arises... But he decides not to pay much attention to this.
He's not sure of who he was or if he had a family before. After all,his body was found in the middle of nowhere,no ID,no clues of who he was. Only a terible bruise,the loss of his arm and a few broken ribs inside of him.Appearance
Facial features: He’s clearly tired and notable malnourished. His right eyelid and ear were partially eaten by bugsHas anisocoria. The smaller pupil is currently blind and looks like a cataract.
Hair:Short hair,even shorter on the sides
Body: Very skinny,no fat.
Fashion: Uses the same clothes everyday,thought they’re damaged and dingy. The blue tshirt was kindly provided by Thomas and previously adquired on a thrift store almost five years ago. Mickael clothes are from sizes bigger than him,giving the impression that he's not THAT malnourished.
Sometimes has to disguise as a living person.
Thomas: The first person Mickael saw after waking up,he was sewing his arm. The first impression was quite impactful...Anyways,Mickael hates Thomas,as much as he hates everything else,unfortunately,Mickael has to accept his help. Mickael hates Thomas chit-chatting,hates his hobbies and sure hates his strange mind and thoughts
Alright,he's not going to admit it,but something very similar to a genuine care for Thomas began to grew inside of his rotten heart,weeeeird...
Alexander: Alex is alright,he guesses...He's quiet most time,and doesn't seems to care much about him,no forced talks,just the act of sharing a cig.
Something about him feels strangely familiar tho,in an awful way. At first Mickael didn't felt alright around him,kind of dizzy.
Elaya: At last,someone rasonable!... Thought Elaya didn't quite liked Mickael as he is full of bad vibes and negative energy. Mickael knew that and he almost felt ashamed of himself.