Alexander Simmons

July 5th (♋),1969
(29 years old in 1998)
Alex,Sasha,big guy
Height7' 3" (220 cm)
Brownish orange-brown
Black (dyed),Pale blond (naturally)
Desert sand
Some members of the mother side of his family had a deep conection with gryphons and magic creatures,but this connection was long lost some generations ago. Maybe that explains the orange color of his eyes when he was young. Despite their origins,Alex has no capacity to transform or use magic. Apart from that, is hella strong and pretty big.
HobbiesPainting,smoking,playing imaginary scenarios in their head,baking bread
Favorite Food:
Honeydew melon,instant noodles
Tries really hard to talk in a very soft and sweet manner,but actually has a pretty deep and a bit hoarse voice. Has a clear scottish accent

Alex is a 29 years old ex-mobster that been living a pretty unstable life since they were 14 y/o.
He's addicted to nicotine and has been working at late night for a criminal organization,Alex is the one who comes to beat people up and help to collect debts.
During the day, Alex just lets the days go by without giving much thought to his current lifestyle. Sometimes he goes to a café to eat and watch people go by, not receiving much attention because he pretends to be more threatening than he really is. Other times he simply tries to stay in good physical shape to distract himself. And other nights he slips into a spiral of bad emotions and memories.
After some years he was able to get out of that life and is trying to find a stable life.
Alexander was born into an already poor family, the illegitimate son of a politician.His family had a farm that was lost after a great flood, a farm that Alex never saw.
By the time he was 5 years old, Alex developed delusions, strange and dangerous behaviour. His mother decided to seek help from his biological father. They received the news that the best way to control him would be to send him to a psychiatric centre, his family did not agree at first, but they accepted when they thought he could live better there.
He lived there for a few months, then was transferred without warning to another city, his family was not notified and could not get any more information from Alexander after that.
Alexander thought this was normal, and eventually got used to the whole hospital environment, even though he no longer received visits from his family.
Having arrived there at a young age, the nurses there took a liking to him and treated him as their son.
Alex met many people who were passing through, and many others who stayed. He talked to them and gave his best wishes. He never managed to develop a deep bond with any patient, until Thomas arrived to the hospital. The two became good friends and formed a close romantic and informal relationship that lasted for about one and a half years. When Thomas finished his residency there, he promised to send him letters and visit him.
Eventually, the place was dismantled and closed, many patients were transferred to other hospitals, but a few were left to fend for themselves. Alexander did not know what to do, as he had never taken care of himself. After a few days of sleeping on the streets, he received an offer he couldn't even refuse. In exchange for a roof over his head and food, he would work for a local criminal organisation.
Alexander was left with nothing to do but adapt and survive. Repressing his true self but always keeping one goal in mind, he had to return home, sooner or later.
Facial features: Has a pretty soft face,his skin is pretty sensible so marks don't go away easily. Has a visible scar on his lip. His teeth are crooked and his canines are more prominent and noticeable
On their mobster phase Alex got some pretty bad bruises on their eye,and one terrible laceration on the cheek in the shape of a smile.
Hair: During their early years used their hair a bit long
Later it was black-dyed and trimmed. When he got out of the criminal life,alex got his hair bleached with the help of thomas so it would look blonde again in no time.
Body: He has a pretty heavy and tall body,isn't easy to not notice his presence. He oftend finds himself hunching and leaning a bit over himself so he doesnt looks as big as he is.
He also has several self inflicted cigarette burn scars on the wrists
Fashion: He uses pretty simple clothes,usually a white button shirt,black pants and a pair of black work shoes,though the kind of style he likes it's a more comfy one,with denim clothes and comfy shirts. (also skirts and dresses but he's scared to use them)
Accessories: Sometimes wears a watch and silver rings,he carries a pair of brass knuckles and a pocket knife.
Later he wears multicolored-bracelets.
Thomas: Alexander helds love and cares deeply for Thomas even after all those years.Although their feelings were not reciprocated after their reencounter, they are good friends and Thomas offered to let him live on his house while Alexander settled down and getting used to his new life.
Mickael: Alex find out something uncanny familiar about Mickael at first. Then,they didn't get along well at first...He was even jealous,but after a while and some nights of smoking together and small talking, they improved their relationship.
Sachiel: Sachiel reminds him of himself, he looks mean but there's actually a good heart inside.
Except that Sachiel is actually a good person.
Uhh,sometimes Alex don't understand the words he say... Language barrer he guesses.
Paul: Alexander met Paul when he was looking for work around the town after leaving Thomas house,as he saw the church,he thought that a sacred place would help him become a better person. Alexander lived in the church for some weeks and tried to get closer to religion during this period of time,but he always felt that there was something...odd happening on Paul...