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English version may come soon... Some day. If I ever find the original CSP archive.
You can read and download the PDF here. You can even print it yourself if you want!

Some Thoughts.

"Deep inside the forest" began as a concept on september/30/2023 and finished its production October/03/2023. It was pretty speedrunned as I set myself a tight deadline. It was originally planed to exhibit at a local zine fest.

 I was REALLY INSPIRED, I finished the whole layout very, very fast,just making this tiny booklet with a single sheet of paper. In general the idea was to present their dynamics and how they interact, it's a series of little moments between the two of them. 
See,It was a really,really fun exercise! you know,planning the whole layout,rainstorming ideas for concepts. I was so excited! I love these two bastards and it's just so...gratifying seeing them printed on paper. IT'S A WHOLE 'NOTHER FEELING! 


Page 1&2:The backcover says: "Can't a man rot in peace...?" "Later will be!" I added a lot of effects on these and the later pages! I think it adds a lot of depth to the pages,they're more interesting to see now!

Page 3&4: The presentation! It presents the characters,with a sintesized and translated text extrated from their wikis.
Along the background there's certain element's related to their character :] the buttons,stuff Mickael likes to eat. Thomas fascinations and hobbies...
The following page describes the 
"day to day" life of these two. Something very simple, a 4 pages comic but ohhh how I loved to do it, it makes me feel softness to see these two interacting...sigh...

Page 5&6: An illustration I previously made,it wasnt really intended to be here but it was so adecuate to put here! I just addapted it to the black and white format.
The following is a small collage made from different paintings,extracts from anatomical books...In general I wanted to transmit that ominous and bizarre feeling the whole lore has while keeping key elements previously described in their stories and other symbolism! I REALLY PUT MY MIND INTO WORK.
Below is a small poem,it is a transcription/translation of ad mortem festinamus/we hurry into death,a medieval song. It was quite appropriate for this particular page! 
Page 7&8: On page 7 there is also another illustration,I based it on a pamphlet of Andre Breton...

next one: Here I did a little writing in about 40 minutes,I gave it like 4 beta-readings,a few corrections and...It was ready! I decided to put it up on the zine before I regretted it. If there's one thing I feel more self-conscious about than my illustrations, it's my writing...But I have to face my fears, so whatever, I think its a nice piece of writing....

Page 9&10: Here I wanted to do a different concept with the 4 new pages I added (They weren't really intended) My original idea was to put an illustration of Mickael being buried in a mountain of chickens but I simply couldn't implement the concept in an ingenious way.
So I just did something simpler,just one page. It was a good decision because now there were more space for the more...funny stuff.

An alphabet soup of several concepts seen before on the zine. Simple and nice.

Page 11&12: The labyrinth! Accompanied by another short story, Thomas and Maiki will search for lost objects, objects that also appear in the final page!...I mean. well,plot twist! it's not the final page. It is in the middle of everything in the physical booklet, but for the sake of simplicity let's leave it that way. A series of small objects with descriptions, to add a little more depth to the lore, also hoping that people who get my zine will have a fun time finding their way to the objects :]

© unlik3lyGrader is here since july 2021